Communion Linens
Fine Handmade Linens for the Altar
Hand Embroidery Designs
Here are some of our most popular motifs. These are not our only examples, however. We will be continually adding new items to our collections in the future. We are also able to copy old motifs from your church linens, and create new embroidered pieces. If you have some heirloom linens that are wearing out, but would still like to have the same look, we may be able to recreate a new set of linens for you.
Click on the Images below for prices & sizes

Monogram J is a traditional motif that is suitable for palls, corporals, chalice veils, credence cloths, altar cloths Recommended Minimum size = 2" 2" motif - $60 / 3" motif $90 / 4" motif $120 All motifs are hand embroidered in our workrooms here in Williamsburg.

Suitable for Corporals, Chalice Veils, Palls, Credence Cloths, Altar Cloths. Minimum Size Recommended: 2 inch 2" Motif - $60 / 3" Motif - $90 / 4" Motif $120 All motifs are hand embroidered in our workrooms here in Williamsburg.

This monogram is one of our most popular designs. It is suitable for Palls, Chalice Veils, Corporals, Credence Cloths, Altar Cloths. Recommended minimum size is 2 1/2 inch 2 1/2" $75 / 3" Motif - $90 / 4" Motif $120 All Motifs are hand embroidered in our workrooms here in Williamsburg

This traditional monogram is suitable for Corporals, Palls, Chalice Veils, Credence Cloths, Altar Cloths. 2" size minimum 2" Motif - $60 / 3" Motif - $90 /4" Motif - $120

This traditional motif is suitable for Corporals, Palls, Chalice Veils, Credence Cloths, Altar Cloths. Recommended Minimum Size is 2" 2" Motif - $60 / 3" Motif - $90/ 4" Motif - $120 All Motifs are hand embroidered in our workrooms here in Williamsburg.

The Jerusalem Cross is suitable for Palls, Chalice Veils, Corporals, Credence Cloths, Altar Cloths Recommended Minimum size is 2 1/2" 2 1/2" Motif - $75 / 3" Motif- $90 / 4" Motif - $120 All Motifs are hand embroidered in our workrooms in Williamsburg

The Fleur de Lys is available for all sized linens. Suitable for Palls, Chalice Veils, Corporals, Lavabo Towels, Purificators, Credence Cloths, Altar Cloths $24 per inch All motifs are hand embroidered in our workrooms in Williamsburg.

This motif is suitable for all sized linens. Palls, Chalice Veils, Corporals, Lavabo Towels. Credence Cloths - Altar Cloths $20 per inch All motifs are hand embroidered in our workrooms in Williamsburg

This is one of our more popular motifs and is suitable for all sizes of linens. Palls, Chalice Veils, Corporals, Lavabo Towels, Purificators, Credence Cloths, Altar Cloths $14 per inch All Motifs are hand embroidered in our workrooms in Williamsburg

This motif is suitable for all sized linens and is one of our more popular motifs. Palls, Chalice Veils, Corporals, Lavabo Towels, Purificators, Credence Cloths, Altar Cloths. $14 per inch All motifs are hand embroidered in our workrooms in Williamsburg

Suitable for all sized linens, but best no larger than 3 inches. Palls, Chalice Veils, Corporals, Lavabo Towels, Purificators. Credence Cloths, Altar Cloths $14 per inch All motifs are hand embroidered in our workrooms in Williamsburg

Suitable for all linens, but recommend no larger than 3". Palls, Chalice Veils, Corporals, Lavabo Towels, Purificators, Credence Cloths, Altar Cloths $14 per inch All motifs are hand embroidered in our workrooms in Williamsburg